Posted by: Abrahim | 28/01/2009

former Jehovah's Witness "pioneer minister" came to Islam.


The hilarious yet serious story of how an American professional comedian and former Jehovah’s Witness “pioneer minister” came to Islam.

A forty-two-year-old Latino, Raphael, is a Los Angeles-based comic and lecturer. He was born in Texas where he attended his first Jehovah’s Witness meeting at age six. He gave his first Bible sermon at eight, tended his own congregation at twenty, and was headed for a position of leadership among the 904,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States. But he traded in his Bible for a Qur’an after having braved a visit to a local mosque.

On November 1, 1991, he embraced Islam, bringing to the Muslim community the organizational and speaking skills he developed among Jehovah’s Witnesses. He speaks with the urgency of a new convert, but one who can make immigrant Muslims laugh at themselves.

He told his story mimicking a cast of characters.

I remember vividly being in a discussion where we were all sitting in my parents’ living room and there were some other Jehovah’s Witnesses there. They were talking about: “It’s Armageddon! The time of the end! And Christ is coming! And you know the hailstones are going to be out here as big as cars! God is going to use all kinds of things to destroy this wicked system and remove the governments! And the Bible talks about the earth opening up! It’s going to swallow whole city blocks!”

I’m scared to death! And then my mother turned around: “See what’s going to happen to you if you don’t get baptized, and if you don’t do God’s will? The earth is going to swallow you up, or one of these huge hailstones is going to hit you on the head [klonk], knock you out, and you will not exist ever again. I’ll have to make another child.”

I wasn’t going to take a chance of being hit by one of those big hailstones. So I got baptized. And of course Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t believe in the sprinkling of the water. They submerge you completely, hold you there for a second, and then bring you back up.

I did that at the age of thirteen, September 7, 1963, in Pasadena, California, at the Rose Bowl. It was a big international assembly. We had 100,000 people. We drove all the way from Lubbock, Texas.

Eventually I started giving bigger talks – ten minutes in front of the congregation. And a circuit servant recommended me to give the hour lectures that are done on Sunday when they invite the general public. They usually reserved those [sermons] for the elders of the congregation.

[In an authoritarian voice:] “Sure he’s young. But he can handle it. He’s a good Christian boy. He has no vices, and he’s obedient to his parents and seems to have pretty good Bible knowledge.”

So at the age of sixteen I started giving hour lectures in front of whole congregations. I was assigned first to a group in Sweetwater, Texas, and then, eventually, in Brownfield, Texas, I got my first congregation. At age twenty, I had become what they call a pioneer minister.

Jehovah’s Witnesses have a very sophisticated training program, and they also have kind of a quota system. You have to devote ten to twelve hours a month to door-to-door preaching. It’s like sales management. IBM has nothing on these guys.

So when I became a pioneer minister, I devoted most of my full time to doing the door-to-door ministry. I had to do like 100 hours a month, and I had to have seven Bible studies. I started lecturing other congregations. I began to get a lot of responsibility, and I was accepted at a school in Brooklyn, New York, a very elite school that Jehovah’s Witnesses have for the crème de la crème, the top one percent. But I didn’t go.

A few things no longer made sense to me. For example, the quota system. It seemed like every time I wanted to turn a corner and get into another position of responsibility, I had to do these secular material things to prove my godliness. It’s like if you meet your quotas this month, God loves you. If you don’t meet your quotas next month, God doesn’t love you. That didn’t make very much sense. One month God loves me and one month He doesn’t?

The other thing I started noticing is tunnel vision. Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only ones who are going to be saved in God’s new order, nobody else, because all of them are practicing false religions. Well, I thought, Mother Teresa’s a Catholic. That’s our dire enemy. So I said, Wait a minute, Mother Teresa has spent her entire life doing things that Jesus said: take care of the poor, the sick, the orphans. But she’s not going to have God’s favor because she’s a Catholic?

We criticized the Catholic Church because they had a man, a priest, to whom they had to confess. And we’d say, “You shouldn’t have to go to a man to confess your sins! Your sin is against God!” And yet we went to a Body of Elders. You confessed your sins to them, and they put you on hold, and said [Elder as telephone operator:] “Hold on just a minute . . . What do you think, Lord? No? . . . Okay, I’m sorry, we tried our best but you’re not repentant enough. Your sin is too big, so you either lose your fellowship in the church or you’re going to be on probation.”

If the sin is against God, shouldn’t I directly go to God and beg for mercy?

Probably the nail that hit the coffin was that I noticed that they started reading their Bible less. Jehovah’s Witnesses have books for everything that are put out by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The only people on the entire planet who know how to interpret Bible Scripture correctly are that group of men, that committee in Brooklyn, who tell Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide how to dress, how to talk, what to say, what not to say, how to apply Scripture and what the future is going to be like. God told them, so they can tell us. I appreciated the books. But if the Bible is the book of knowledge and if it’s God’s instructions, well, shouldn’t we get our answers out of the Bible? Paul himself said find out for yourself what is a true and acceptable word of God. Don’t let men tickle your ears.

I started saying, “Don’t worry so much about what the Watchtower says – read the Bible for yourself.” Ears started to prick up.

[Old Southerner’s drawl:] “I think we got us an apostate here, Judge. Yup. I think this old boy’s one taco short of something.”

Even my father said, “You better watch it, young man, that’s the demons talking right there. That’s the demons trying to get in and cause division.”

I said, “Dad, it’s not the demons. People don’t need to read so much of these other publications. They can find their answers with prayer and in the Bible.”

Spiritually I no longer felt at ease. So in 1979, knowing that I could not make headway, I left, disgruntled and with a bad taste in my mouth, because all my life I had put my soul, my heart, my mind into the church. That was the problem. I didn’t put it in God. I put it in a man-made organization.

I can’t go to other religions. As a Jehovah’s Witness, I had been trained, through the Scriptures, to show that they are all wrong. That idolatry is bad. Trinity doesn’t exist.

I’m like a man without a religion. I was not a man without a God. But where could I go?

In 1985, I decided to come to Los Angeles and get on the Johnny Carson show and make my mark as a great comedian and actor. I have always felt like I was born for something. I didn’t know whether it was going to be finding the cure to cancer or becoming an actor. I kept praying and it got frustrating after a while.

So I just went to the Catholic church close to my house, and I tried it. I remember on Ash Wednesday I had that ash cross on my forehead. I was trying anything I could. I went for about two or three months, and I just couldn’t do it anymore, man. It was:

Stand up. Sit down.
Stand up. Sit down.
Okay, stick your tongue out.
You got a lot of exercise. I think I lost about five pounds. But that’s about it. So now I’m more lost than ever.
But it never passed through my mind that there is not a Creator. I have His phone number, but the line’s always busy. I’m doing my little movie shots. A film called Deadly Intent. A telephone commercial in Chicago. An Exxon commercial. A couple of bank commercials. In the meantime I’m doing construction work on the side.

We’re working on this mall. It’s the holiday season, and they put these extra booths in the hallways. There was a gal at one, and we had to pass right in front of her. I’d say, “Good morning, how are you?” If she said anything, it was “Hi.” And that was it.

Finally, I said, “Miss, you never say anything. I just wanted to apologize if there was something I said wrong.”

She said, “No, you see, I’m a Muslim.”

“You’re what?”

“I’m a Muslim, and Muslim women, we don’t talk to men unless we have something specific to talk about; otherwise we don’t have anything to do with men.”

“Ohhhhh. Muslim.”

She said, “Yes, we practice the religion of Islam.”

“Islam – how do you spell that?”


At the time, I knew that Muslims were all terrorists. She doesn’t even have a beard. How could she possibly be Muslim?

“How did this religion get started?”

“Well, there was a prophet.”

“A prophet?”


I started some research. But I just came from one religion. I had no intention of becoming Muslim.

The holidays are over. The booth moves. She’s gone.

I continued to pray, and asked why my prayers weren’t being answered. In November of 1991, I was going to bring my uncle Rockie home from the hospital. I started to empty his drawers to pack his stuff and there was a Gideon Bible. I said, God has answered my prayers. This Gideon Bible. (Of course, they put it in every hotel room.) This is a sign from God that He’s ready to teach me. So I stole the Bible.

I went home and I started praying: O God, teach me to be a Christian. Don’t teach me the Jehovah’s Witness way. Don’t teach me the Catholic way. Teach me Your way! You would not have made this Bible so hard that ordinary people sincere in prayer could not understand it.

I got all the way through the New Testament. I started the Old Testament. Well, eventually there’s a part in the Bible about the prophets.


I said, Wait a minute, that Muslim lady said they had a prophet. How come he’s not in here?

I started thinking, Muslims – one billion in the world. Man, one out of every five people on the street theoretically could be a Muslim. And I thought: One billion people! C’mon now, Satan is good. But he’s not that good.

So then I said, I’ll read their book, the Qur’an, and I’ll see what kind of pack of lies this thing is. It probably has an illustration on how to dissemble an AK-47. So I went to an Arabic bookstore.

They asked, “What can I help you with?”

“I’m looking for a Qur’an.”

“Okay, we have some over here.”

They had some very nice ones – thirty dollars, forty dollars.”

“Look, I just want to read it, I don’t want to become one, okay?”

“Okay, we have this little five-dollar paperback edition.”

I went home, and started reading my Qur’an from the beginning, with Al-Fatihah. And I could not get my eyes off of it.

Hey, look at this. It talks about a Noah in here. We have Noah in our Bible too. Hey, it talks about Lot and Abraham. I can’t believe it. I never knew Satan’s name was Iblis. Hey, how about that.

When you get that picture on your TV set and it’s got a little bit of static and you push that button [klop] – fine tune. That’s exactly what happened with the Qur’an.

I went through the whole thing. So I said, Okay, I’ve done this, now what’s the next thing you got to do? Well, you gotta go to their meeting place. I looked in the yellow pages, and I finally found it: Islamic Center of Southern California, on Vermont. I called and they said, “Come on Friday.”

Now I really start getting nervous, `cause now I know I’m going to have to confront Habib and his AK-47.

I want people to understand what it’s like for an American Christian coming into Islam. I’m kidding about the AK-47, but I don’t know if these guys have daggers under their coats, you know. So I come up to the front, and sure enough, there’s this six-foot-three, 240-pound brother, beard and everything, and I’m just in awe.

I walked up and said, “Excuse me, sir.”

[Arabic accent:] “Go to the back!”

He thought I was already a brother.

I said, “Yessir, yessir” [meekly].

I didn’t know what I was going back for, but I went back anyway. They had the tent and the rugs were out. I’m standing there, kind of shy, and people are sitting down listening to the lecture. And people are saying, Go ahead, brother, sit down. And I’m going, No, thanks, no, thanks, I’m just visiting.

So finally the lecture’s over. They’re all lined up for prayer and they go into sajdah. I was really taken aback.

It started making sense intellectually, in my muscles, in my bones, in my heart and my soul.

So prayers are over. I say, hey, who’s going to recognize me? So I start to mingle like I’m one of the brothers, and I’m walking into the mosque and a brother says, “Assalaamu alaikum.” And I thought, Did he say “salt and bacon”?

“Assalaamu alaikum.”

There’s another guy who said “salt and bacon” to me.

I didn’t know what in the world they were saying, but they all smiled.

Before one of these guys noticed that I was not supposed to be there and took me to the torture chamber, or beheaded me, I wanted to see as much as I could. So eventually I went to the library, and there was a young Egyptian brother; his name was Omar. God sent him to me.

Omar comes up to me, and he says, “Excuse me. This is your first time here?” He has a real strong accent.

And I said, Yeah, it is.

“Oh, very good. You are Muslim?”

“No, I’m just reading a little.”

“Oh, you are studying? This is your first visit to a mosque?”


“Come, let me show you around.” And he grabs me by the hand, and I’m walking with another man – holding hands. I said, These Muslims are friendly.

So he shows me around.

“First of all, this is our prayer hall, and you take your shoes off right here.”

“What are these things?”

“These are little cubicles. That’s where you put your shoes.”


“Well, because you’re approaching the prayer area, and it’s very holy. You don’t go in there with your shoes on; it’s kept real clean.”

So he takes me to the men’s room.

“And right here, this is where we do wudu.”

“Voodoo! I didn’t read anything about voodoo!”

“No, not voodoo. Wudu!”

“Okay, because I saw that stuff with the dolls and the pins, and I’m just not ready for that kind of commitment yet.”

He says, “No, wudu, that’s when we clean ourselves.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Well, when you pray to God, you have to be clean, so we wash our hands and feet.”

So I learned all these things. He let me go, and said, Come back again.

I went back and asked the librarian for a booklet on prayer, and I went home and practiced. I felt that if I was trying to do it right, God would accept it. I just continued to read and read and visit the mosque.

I had a commitment to go on a tour of the Midwest on a comedy circuit. Well, I took a prayer rug with me. I knew that I was supposed to pray at certain times, but there are certain places where you are not supposed to pray, one of which is in the bathroom. I went into a men’s room on a tourist stop and I laid out my carpet and I started doing my prayers.

I came back, and when Ramadan was over, I started getting calls from different parts of the country to go and lecture as a Jehovah’s Witness minister who embraced Islam. People find me a novelty.

[Two immigrants converse:]

“This guy like apple pie and he drives a Chevy truck. He is a red-blooded American boy. He was a Jehovah’s Witness.”

“Those people that come in the morning?”

“Yeah, those.”

“That never let us sleep on Sundays?”

“Yeah, this guy was one of them. Now he’s one of us.”

Eventually somebody would come up to me and say [Pakistani accent], “Oh, brother, your talk was so good. But you know, in the Shafi’i school of thought..”

The only thing I could do was turn to them and say, “Gee, brother, I’m so sorry, I wish I knew about that, but I don’t know anything about Islam except what’s in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Some of them are taken aback and say, “Ha-ha! Poor brother. He doesn’t know anything. He only knows the Qur’an.”

Well, that’s what I’m supposed to know. And it’s been a very loving protection. I think it’s all in Allah’s hands

(Source: The Islamic Bulletin, San Francisco, CA 94141-0186)


  1. hahahahahaha As Salaamu Alaikum it was like I was reading about MY experience to Islam but funnier because I knew I’d not find no AK’s at my Mosque visit. Alhamdulilah Islam is a blessing sent from Allah(swt) who prepared for his oneness with JW religion and then made us smart enough to know something was off for us and opened our hearts to Islam.

  2. Congratulations on embracing Islam. Quran and Hadees are sufficient for all knowled about our religion. dont bother yourself with hanfi or shafii, etc.

  3. This may sound off to everyone here. I have also embraced Islam and was a JW. I was kicked out of the religion at the age of 19 because of fornication. I was very sorry for sinning against our creator, and losing my gift of virginity. I felt ashamed and dirty. But the Elders decided I was not sorry enough and shunned me from the congregation. The boy I thought I loved and gave my body too, went back to his ex. I was left alone with no friends and my family had moved to another city. To make a long story short, I suffered a lot of emotional and psychological abuse: Wondering if end of world will come and God will fry me on the spot. I even tried to go back to the JW religion. But could not take the depression of not even small children talking to me. I married a Muslim man, who Allah forgive me not the best example. I meet him at a club, we were drinking vodka and almost had a one night stand. He is a good man but does not follow the religion; only when his more Muslim friends are in our home. I have a baby boy who is one year old, And I am scared. I want to be better Muslim, but I know the abuse I suffered from JWs still haunts me. I am afraid of organize religion. I believe in the five pillars and everything, but afraid of being involved with others. I afraid to even do worship. I talk to God in my heart and mind all the time. But for some reason neglect the five daliy prayers. I pray “Muslim” way only twice a day. And after I do my Wudu I really get anxiety attacks. But while I am praying it is ok.

    Please give my email to this gentlemen or anyone else who is a Muslim who used to be JW. I need all the encouragement.

    • asalamu alaikoum my sister, my heart goes out to you sooooo much, i would love to talk to you, we have sooooooooooo much in common, please read my story i am going to send it to you here, i too was a JW and married a muslim man and Alhumdulilah am now muslim. I understand exactly what u are going through and would love to help u get through it insh’Allah. my prayers are with u my sister, may Allah (SWT) CONTINUE TO guide you, I and all sincere truth seeking individuals ameen/ in case this site does not show my email here it is and u can find me on facebook too i am going to look for you on there as well insh’Allah we may meet one day, i just noticed u posted this in 2010 but hopefully we can still connect, for some reason i just saw these responses to my response on this site from last January and just now seeing the responses in my email, how funny i guess it is Allah’s will as he knows how devoted I am to him and His true Islam since i decided this is the truth last march Alhumdulilah. hope to speak to u soon sister 😉

    • (this is my experience in a letter i wrote to a sheik)
      Salaam my brothers and sisters,

      I was listening a few days ago on the live broadcasting with sheik Yusuf Estes and heard the sister from Jordan who asked about how to deal with Jehovah witnesses coming to her door in attempts to convert people to their faith as Christians. Well I am a recent revert from this organization and would love to help shed some light on these people. It is my sincere prayer on a regular basis that this organization come into Islam, and Allah only knows for sure what is in the future but as we are taught from the Koran everything happens for a reason, It has only been very recent in history that Islam has been spreading very fast especially in USA.

      This organization always says the light continues to get brighter and brighter. And I have a feeling very soon Allah is going to open the leaders (governing body) of this organizations hearts to accept Islam. Once this happens they will spread the whole truth of Allah in its full light through his beautiful Koran sent to his messenger Mohammed (PBUH). I pray dawah for this every day. Out of all Christianity they were the first to get rid of the worship of Jesus Christ and the cross. They sincerely tried to restore the bible as much as they could with the information available at the time, they put back Gods name the best they could in the bible YHWH and did their best to pronounce it as much as they could understand, the intentions they have are truly pure and I know this because I was one of them.

      I came into Islam because I was truly trying to understand the religion so that I would be able to convert my husband to be Jehovah’s Witness who is Muslim. This organization encourages we understand all religions enough to know how to deal with them and eventually guide them to true Christianity. Well after almost 7 years of marriage and a baby I began to read the Koran to understand my husband’s beliefs and now here I am a happy and content Muslim Alhamdulillah! Now I pray that Allah bring Islam too many others and inshallah use me anyway he can to do this, I was raised to spread the truth and now that there is no doubt in my mind and heart that I have it I intend to do just that.

      So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam I want to give you a few pointers on how to deal with this humble and kind group of Christians who are really trying to do their own type of Dawah to you. Be kind to them and do Dawah to them.

      #1 Tell them exactly what you believe, that the Koran is Allah’s last and final message to Islam and it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) The seal of the prophets and tell them you can prove this from their own bible. Refer them to

      John 16:12-16 “2 “I have many things yet to say to YOU, but YOU are not able to bear them at present. 13 However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the things coming. 14 That one will glorify me, because he will receive from what is mine and will declare it to YOU. 15 All the things that the Father has are mine. That is why I said he receives from what is mine and declares [it] to YOU. 16 In a little while YOU will behold me no longer, and, again, in a little while YOU will see me.”

      and make sure you emphasize the word “he” this means Jesus was referring to a human being not just a spirit, Gods spirit is not a person it is his active force. I know for sure there bible uses the word he because I have a copy here with me. Then as you or they read the verses make sure they understand that this man Jesus predicts is coming is going to “guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the things coming. 14 That one will glorify me, because he will receive from what is mine and will declare it to YOU.” Then show them from your Koran how that this is exactly who Mohamed is and that he was in fact unlettered and could not read or write and that he only recited what Allah told him to say nothing was his words it was not “his own impulse”

      #2 Explain to them how the bible has so many contradictions and that it is no longer all of ALLAH’S words and that it is not trustworthy anymore and that is why ALLAH sent his Koran because man failed the test to preserve his words and the Koran is promised by Allah to be protected forever and nothing will be changed because He is guarding it. And explain to them that any Koran will always have the original language the Koran was sent from in Arabic and you will never find a Koran that does not match another one. They will probably tell you there bible has been fixed by the organization and that errors such as Gods name being removed has been put back into it, when this happens politely say that is very commendable but are you sure there are no other errors? If that was one error you found and tried to fix how do you know there are not anymore? Then have them look up these contradictions that will for sure be in there bible! I was shocked when I found these contradictions that sheik Yusuf Estes posted on his websites:

      Genesis 6:3 and Genesis 11:11 – Life limited to 120 years?

      Genesis 32:30 and Exodus 33:20 – Jacob’s life was preserved?

      Exodus 4:22 and Jeremiah 31:9 – Who was God’s firstborn?

      Numbers 23:19 and Genesis 6:6-7 – Does God repent or not?

      2 Samuel 6:23 and 2 Samuel 21:8 – Did Michael have children?

      2 Samuel 8:4 and 1 Chronicles 18:4 – 700 or 7000 horsemen?

      2 Samuel 8:9-10 and 1 Chronicles 18:9-10 – Toi or Tou? Hadadezer or Hadarezer? Joram or Hadoram?

      2 Samuel 10:18 and 1 Chronicles 19:18 – 700 or 7000 charioteers? 40,000 horsemen or footmen? Captain’s name?

      2 Samuel 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 21:1 – Who provoked David?

      2 Samuel 24:9 and 1 Chronicles 21:5 – 800,000 or 100,000?

      2 Samuel 24:13 and 1 Chronicles 21:11-12 – 7 or 3 years?

      1 Kings 4:26 and 2 Chronicles 9:25 – 40,000 or 4,000 stalls?

      1 Kings 5:15-16 and 2 Chronicles 2:2 – 3300 or 3600?

      1 Kings 7:26 and 2 Chronicles 4:5 – 2000 or 3000 baths?

      2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 – 22 or 42 years old?

      2 Kings 24:8 and 2 Chronicles 36:9 – 18 or 8 years old? 3 months or 3 months and 10 days?

      Ezra 2:65 and Nehemiah 7:67 – 200 or 245 singers?

      Matthew 1:12 and Luke 3:27 – Who was Salathiel’s father?

      Matthew 1:16 and Luke 3:23 – Who was Joseph’s father?

      Matthew 9:18 and Mark 5:22-23 – Dead or not?

      Matthew 10:5-10 and Mark 6:7-8 – Bring a staff or not?

      Matthew 15:21-22 and Mark 7:24-26 – The woman was of Canaan or Greece?

      Matthew 20:29-30 and Mark 10:46-47 – One or two beggars?

      Matthew 21:1-2 and Mark 11:1-2 – What happened to the ass?

      Matthew 26:74-75 and Mark 14:72 – Before the cock crow once or twice?

      Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18 – How did Judas die?

      John 3:16 and Psalms 2:7 – Only begotten son?

      John 5:31 and John 8:14 – Was Jesus’ record true or not?

      #3 After you showed them a few of the above contradictions tell them you have solid proof that the Koran is from Allah and refer to the evidence of reproduction in the Koran in Surah 23:12-14 and tell them to do research and find that there was no scientific evidence of such accuracy of the fetal development 1400 years ago when the Koran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed(PBUH). That only God could reveal such a miracle as conception. You can also show them how the Koran predicted that the Pharaoh in Moses day would be preserved for mankind to view today

      “Today I will save your dead body so that you may be a sign for those who come after you.” Qur’an, 10:92 And today archeologist claim to have found this exact pharaoh and they could look this up online. I found this very interesting because the bible does not get specific to what happened to pharaoh, and the Koran proved true to this quote.

      After stating these few of many facts of the Koran and showing them proofs from their own bible they will be sure to be questioning things in their own mind and Inshallah Allah will open there hearts to seek the real answers. Be sure to tell them you will pray for them for Allah to guide them and to guide yourselves as well, they will like to hear this and will respect you for it. One true Muslim said this to me while I was going door to door back when I was part of this Jehovah’s Witness organization and it really shocked me and made me very curious about Islam, and I truly believe this brother did do dawah for me because here I am 11 years later and Alhamdulillah am a Muslim.

      I really commend Sheik Yusuf and all the sheiks and volunteers supporting Guide Us TV, I pray this work continues to grow and inshallah I pray this organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses begin to study Islam even to try to convert Muslims to there religion which is always thier goal because just as I studied Islam with the pure intention to convert my Muslim Husband to be a Witness I realized through the process that this is the pure religion sent straight from Allah himself. I know Inshallah Allah will open these honest hearted individuals to see Allah’s full Light in Islam, just as the Witnesses always say “the light keeps getting brighter and brighter” I know Allah will shine the light 100% on them very soon inshallha.

      Inshallah this happens we will see millions of these Christians pouring into Islam that have been following this organization and with their organizational skills they will spread the whole truth like fire.

      Until this happens Inshallah, We as Muslim brothers and sisters must support our Ummah and learn how to teach and be ready to do Dawah to all the disbelievers especially those who are beginning to research it and ask questions, we need to understand Christianity and other religions to know how to understand where people are coming from, and to make sure we are practicing true Islam so that we do not leave a negative appeal to Islam. It is each and every Muslims duty and we will be all asked about this on the day of resurrection. So do Dawah for our Ummah to spread the truth and for good intended people such as these Jehovah’s Witnesses who are really only trying to spread the truth, (as far as they know it) to come to the full truth of Islam.

      Many dawah’s and peace and blessings to this wonderful Group of GuideUsTV and groups like it and to all our Ummah,

      assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah he wa barakatuhu

      Sister Marcia Kassem

  4. salams bro.
    I just wanted to say i am very pleased for you and hope allah guides you and your entire family and friends in the best of ways…

    Today i met a 85 year jehovahs witness lady..she was very frail..i felt sorry for her and also i was pleased to speak to her..she knows where i live and i have bought a copy of the quran with english translation to give to her nex time she comes round..she was pleasant. happy and health seemed not good..i hope allah guides her in the best of ways..please pray for her..
    Brother tasidiq hussain

  5. I am someone who is very confused about JW’s and Islam i would be grteful if i can discuss this with someone who has knowledge of both as i am searching for the truth. Email address:

    • ( Asalamu’ Alaikoum, insh’Allah my expereince may help you understand a little bit about the JW’S and Islam as i was a very devout JW and thru sincere research into Islam for over 1 year i realized Alhumdulilah ( all thanks be to Allah) that Islam is the whole truth…best advise i can give you is to keep sincerely praying in whatever way you know how to God to Guide u and show you his truth and not the lies man and shayton has turned it into and He will show you… feel free to contact me with any questions. i have a facebook page i use for spreading true islam called and you can email me anytime at may Allah continue to guide you, i and all truth seeking individuals ameen. 😉 )

      Salaam my brothers and sisters,

      I was listening a few days ago on the live broadcasting with sheik Yusuf Estes and heard the sister from Jordan who asked about how to deal with Jehovah witnesses coming to her door in attempts to convert people to their faith as Christians. Well I am a recent revert from this organization and would love to help shed some light on these people. It is my sincere prayer on a regular basis that this organization come into Islam, and Allah only knows for sure what is in the future but as we are taught from the Koran everything happens for a reason, It has only been very recent in history that Islam has been spreading very fast especially in USA.

      This organization always says the light continues to get brighter and brighter. And I have a feeling very soon Allah is going to open the leaders (governing body) of this organizations hearts to accept Islam. Once this happens they will spread the whole truth of Allah in its full light through his beautiful Koran sent to his messenger Mohammed (PBUH). I pray dawah for this every day. Out of all Christianity they were the first to get rid of the worship of Jesus Christ and the cross. They sincerely tried to restore the bible as much as they could with the information available at the time, they put back Gods name the best they could in the bible YHWH and did their best to pronounce it as much as they could understand, the intentions they have are truly pure and I know this because I was one of them.

      I came into Islam because I was truly trying to understand the religion so that I would be able to convert my husband to be Jehovah’s Witness who is Muslim. This organization encourages we understand all religions enough to know how to deal with them and eventually guide them to true Christianity. Well after almost 7 years of marriage and a baby I began to read the Koran to understand my husband’s beliefs and now here I am a happy and content Muslim Alhamdulillah! Now I pray that Allah bring Islam too many others and inshallah use me anyway he can to do this, I was raised to spread the truth and now that there is no doubt in my mind and heart that I have it I intend to do just that.

      So my dear brothers and sisters in Islam I want to give you a few pointers on how to deal with this humble and kind group of Christians who are really trying to do their own type of Dawah to you. Be kind to them and do Dawah to them.

      #1 Tell them exactly what you believe, that the Koran is Allah’s last and final message to Islam and it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) The seal of the prophets and tell them you can prove this from their own bible. Refer them to

      John 16:12-16 “2 “I have many things yet to say to YOU, but YOU are not able to bear them at present. 13 However, when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he will guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the things coming. 14 That one will glorify me, because he will receive from what is mine and will declare it to YOU. 15 All the things that the Father has are mine. That is why I said he receives from what is mine and declares [it] to YOU. 16 In a little while YOU will behold me no longer, and, again, in a little while YOU will see me.”

      and make sure you emphasize the word “he” this means Jesus was referring to a human being not just a spirit, Gods spirit is not a person it is his active force. I know for sure there bible uses the word he because I have a copy here with me. Then as you or they read the verses make sure they understand that this man Jesus predicts is coming is going to “guide YOU into all the truth, for he will not speak of his own impulse, but what things he hears he will speak, and he will declare to YOU the things coming. 14 That one will glorify me, because he will receive from what is mine and will declare it to YOU.” Then show them from your Koran how that this is exactly who Mohamed is and that he was in fact unlettered and could not read or write and that he only recited what Allah told him to say nothing was his words it was not “his own impulse”

      #2 Explain to them how the bible has so many contradictions and that it is no longer all of ALLAH’S words and that it is not trustworthy anymore and that is why ALLAH sent his Koran because man failed the test to preserve his words and the Koran is promised by Allah to be protected forever and nothing will be changed because He is guarding it. And explain to them that any Koran will always have the original language the Koran was sent from in Arabic and you will never find a Koran that does not match another one. They will probably tell you there bible has been fixed by the organization and that errors such as Gods name being removed has been put back into it, when this happens politely say that is very commendable but are you sure there are no other errors? If that was one error you found and tried to fix how do you know there are not anymore? Then have them look up these contradictions that will for sure be in there bible! I was shocked when I found these contradictions that sheik Yusuf Estes posted on his websites:

      Genesis 6:3 and Genesis 11:11 – Life limited to 120 years?

      Genesis 32:30 and Exodus 33:20 – Jacob’s life was preserved?

      Exodus 4:22 and Jeremiah 31:9 – Who was God’s firstborn?

      Numbers 23:19 and Genesis 6:6-7 – Does God repent or not?

      2 Samuel 6:23 and 2 Samuel 21:8 – Did Michael have children?

      2 Samuel 8:4 and 1 Chronicles 18:4 – 700 or 7000 horsemen?

      2 Samuel 8:9-10 and 1 Chronicles 18:9-10 – Toi or Tou? Hadadezer or Hadarezer? Joram or Hadoram?

      2 Samuel 10:18 and 1 Chronicles 19:18 – 700 or 7000 charioteers? 40,000 horsemen or footmen? Captain’s name?

      2 Samuel 24:1 and 1 Chronicles 21:1 – Who provoked David?

      2 Samuel 24:9 and 1 Chronicles 21:5 – 800,000 or 100,000?

      2 Samuel 24:13 and 1 Chronicles 21:11-12 – 7 or 3 years?

      1 Kings 4:26 and 2 Chronicles 9:25 – 40,000 or 4,000 stalls?

      1 Kings 5:15-16 and 2 Chronicles 2:2 – 3300 or 3600?

      1 Kings 7:26 and 2 Chronicles 4:5 – 2000 or 3000 baths?

      2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 – 22 or 42 years old?

      2 Kings 24:8 and 2 Chronicles 36:9 – 18 or 8 years old? 3 months or 3 months and 10 days?

      Ezra 2:65 and Nehemiah 7:67 – 200 or 245 singers?

      Matthew 1:12 and Luke 3:27 – Who was Salathiel’s father?

      Matthew 1:16 and Luke 3:23 – Who was Joseph’s father?

      Matthew 9:18 and Mark 5:22-23 – Dead or not?

      Matthew 10:5-10 and Mark 6:7-8 – Bring a staff or not?

      Matthew 15:21-22 and Mark 7:24-26 – The woman was of Canaan or Greece?

      Matthew 20:29-30 and Mark 10:46-47 – One or two beggars?

      Matthew 21:1-2 and Mark 11:1-2 – What happened to the ass?

      Matthew 26:74-75 and Mark 14:72 – Before the cock crow once or twice?

      Matthew 27:5 and Acts 1:18 – How did Judas die?

      John 3:16 and Psalms 2:7 – Only begotten son?

      John 5:31 and John 8:14 – Was Jesus’ record true or not?

      #3 After you showed them a few of the above contradictions tell them you have solid proof that the Koran is from Allah and refer to the evidence of reproduction in the Koran in Surah 23:12-14 and tell them to do research and find that there was no scientific evidence of such accuracy of the fetal development 1400 years ago when the Koran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed(PBUH). That only God could reveal such a miracle as conception. You can also show them how the Koran predicted that the Pharaoh in Moses day would be preserved for mankind to view today

      “Today I will save your dead body so that you may be a sign for those who come after you.” Qur’an, 10:92 And today archeologist claim to have found this exact pharaoh and they could look this up online. I found this very interesting because the bible does not get specific to what happened to pharaoh, and the Koran proved true to this quote.

      After stating these few of many facts of the Koran and showing them proofs from their own bible they will be sure to be questioning things in their own mind and Inshallah Allah will open there hearts to seek the real answers. Be sure to tell them you will pray for them for Allah to guide them and to guide yourselves as well, they will like to hear this and will respect you for it. One true Muslim said this to me while I was going door to door back when I was part of this Jehovah’s Witness organization and it really shocked me and made me very curious about Islam, and I truly believe this brother did do dawah for me because here I am 11 years later and Alhamdulillah am a Muslim.

      I really commend Sheik Yusuf and all the sheiks and volunteers supporting Guide Us TV, I pray this work continues to grow and inshallah I pray this organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses begin to study Islam even to try to convert Muslims to there religion which is always thier goal because just as I studied Islam with the pure intention to convert my Muslim Husband to be a Witness I realized through the process that this is the pure religion sent straight from Allah himself. I know Inshallah Allah will open these honest hearted individuals to see Allah’s full Light in Islam, just as the Witnesses always say “the light keeps getting brighter and brighter” I know Allah will shine the light 100% on them very soon inshallha.

      Inshallah this happens we will see millions of these Christians pouring into Islam that have been following this organization and with their organizational skills they will spread the whole truth like fire.

      Until this happens Inshallah, We as Muslim brothers and sisters must support our Ummah and learn how to teach and be ready to do Dawah to all the disbelievers especially those who are beginning to research it and ask questions, we need to understand Christianity and other religions to know how to understand where people are coming from, and to make sure we are practicing true Islam so that we do not leave a negative appeal to Islam. It is each and every Muslims duty and we will be all asked about this on the day of resurrection. So do Dawah for our Ummah to spread the truth and for good intended people such as these Jehovah’s Witnesses who are really only trying to spread the truth, (as far as they know it) to come to the full truth of Islam.

      Many dawah’s and peace and blessings to this wonderful Group of GuideUsTV and groups like it and to all our Ummah,

      assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah he wa barakatuhu

      Sister Marcia Kassem

    • I am a former JW turned Muslim and I can answer questions about both religions. You can contact me by email or find me on facebook

    • Hello i am former jehovah witness and revert to Islam, i was raised and very devoted to the Jehovahs witness faith all my life up until age age 27 then,Allah really opened my eyes to his whole truth alhumdulilah, i like to help you God willing. Please feel free to email me at and or message me on my facebook you can find me under marcia ramirez kassem. Peace and blessings of Allah be unto you 🙂 may He Guide ypu, I and all sincere truth seeking ones ammeen

  6. thank you for posting your experience, i am at crossroads at the present trying to decide whether Islam is the truth or my religion from up bringing of Jehovah witnesses is the truth which i too was a pioneer at a point in my life, i would love to chat with you about your experience there are a few things that i can not seem to get past about Jesus in the bible and what the Qur’an says about him, i would love to discuss how you got past this since you have embraced Islam. I am 85% convinced but as i am sure you can understand teh death of jesus and his sacrafice is a big belief to give up and i am not so sure yet, please feel free to email me

    may Allah continue to Guide us to all his truths inshallah

  7. How did you hurdle the belief that Muslims have in denying the crucifixion, atonement and Paul’s letters?

  8. I found this story to be a representation of my life even though i am not baptized I can also feel these pressures i question the religion i was born into every night and day and from just listening to my muslim friends amazes me. most the storys we learn and guide line we go by the islam ones are so much more realistic and I myself being a jehovahs witness is very hard with every on telling me that I need to get baptized. the only problem is I have never known my father and he is not intrested in meeting me and if i dont want to be a jehovahs wittness my mother has already told me she will kick me out of me house i am 16 and have no where else to go the only freiends not in the religion are are school but i am not alloud to talk to them outside school. another difficulty for me is I cant speak, read or understand arabic and thats what the quran is mainly in.

  9. Maa Shaa Allahu

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